We started out with talk of the weather. Dad's observation was the same as the official weather reporting station.
The Buck's football team lost last night, but all history of the old team's mascot has been eliminated.
Short conversation this week.
The Yankton Bucks won their inaugural game beating Hurron easily.
They are open for input for a replacement of the Yankton Memorial Pool. Dad is not a fan of water, yet he did build a paddle boat back in the day, that had one voyage.
There was some weather talk but again not much on this subject.
It has been quiet in the neighborhood on Friday nights, but that will change when the school district finishes with the football stadium reconstruction.
A Don VanEpps story of his Uncles cistern having snakes.
Old people shouldn't drive
There was some weather talk but again not much on this subject.
The highlight of today's conversation was his visit last night (Friday) with his old childhood neighbor Don VanEpps. A new story that I didn't hear before about how Dad wrecked Don's bicycle tire when trying to blow it up.
Talked about the missing Todd Herrboldt (I do not know this person)
The weather but not much on this subject.
And the changing restaurant landscape in Yankton. Whats old is what is new again.
I was calling from the Wright County Swappers Meet. Lots of background noise and bad reception, but touched base with Dad anyway to find out what he had for breakfast.